Sensory Processing Disorder and Chiropractic Care

by Dr. Jessica Caruso – Prenatal and Family Chiropractor

Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder resulting from the brain’s inability to integrate everyday sensory information received from the five senses: touch, vision, sound, smell, and taste.(1)

The five senses mentioned above are commonly known. However, there are 2 other senses, rarely known but extremely important: vestibular and proprioceptive systems.
The vestibular system is physiologically located in the cerebellum (base of brain), upper cervical spine (top of neck) and inner ear. The vestibular system is responsible for regulating all incoming sensory information and is considered the most important sensory system. The proprioceptive system is located throughout the spine and joints of the body. Disruption of this system may lead to problems with learning, motor skills, behavior, and social / emotional development. (1)

It is estimated that 1 in 20 children suffers from SPD. Children with SPD are often misdiagnosed as having ADD, ADHD, or other neurodevelopmental disorders. This misdiagnosis may be due to the fact that SPD often co-exists with ADD, ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, OCD, anxiety disorder, traumatic brain injury, and learning disabilities. These children are usually misunderstood and labeled as aggressive, clumsy, inattentive, or difficult. (1)

Some signs your child may have SPD:

Touch: they may avoid or crave touch, get irritated by certain clothing (ex: tags, sock seams) and food textures (1)
Smell: may be susceptible to allergies, may need to excessively smell toys, items, people (1)
Taste: “picky eaters”, exhibit pica (eating non-edible items like chalk, crayons, dirt, etc.) (1)
Vision: difficulty going down stairs, poor hand-eye coordination, eye discomfort when required to perform visual work like reading, frequent headaches and stomach upset after school, may need to read out loud to keep place (1)
Auditory: may be upset with loud or unexpected noises, hum and sing to screen out unwanted noises, bothered by clock ticking, refrigerator humming, air conditioner on, cover ears a lot, speak loudly (1)
Proprioception: may need physical contact with another person, may exhibit hysteria over washing hair, pulling shirts over head, difficulty falling asleep, sleep walking, and are clumsy (1)

Chiropractic care is an essential treatment for these children. Properly functioning vestibular and proprioceptive sensory systems are key components in developing and maintaining a healthy sensory processing system. Because these two sensory systems are largely located in the spine, it is extremely important to remove any spinal misalignments with a chiropractic adjustment that may be causing nerve interference.

Family wellness chiropractors are also well versed in proper nutrition. It is important to avoid certain foods and add certain foods into the diet for treatment of SPD. Refined sugar, food preservatives, and food colorings should be avoided. Omega-3 fatty acids found in cold water fish (wild caught) such as salmon, tuna, and trout, and dark green leafy vegetables and flaxseed oil are considered good “brain food.” Dairy-free and gluten-free diets may also be helpful for these children (1). Keeping a food journal and reviewing it with your family chiropractor is advised.

Exercising your child’s brain is highly recommended. Today children spend more time in car seats, walkers, and other places that restrict movement and impair neurodevelopment. As children get older they are spending more time in front of a computer, playing video games, or texting, and not enough time running, jumping, skipping, climbing, swinging and crawling. Activities that involve using both sides of the body are necessary for proper development (1).

Other things to consider:

  • Drink Water: Water comprises more of the brain than any other organ of the body. Having children drink water before and during class can help “grease the wheel.” Drinking water is very important before stressful situations like taking tests (2).
  • Cross-Crawl Exercises: This exercise helps coordinate right and left brain by exercising the information flow between the two hemispheres. It is useful for spelling, writing, listening, reading and comprehension (2).
  • Brain Buttons: This exercise helps improve blood flow to the brain to “switch on” the entire brain before a lesson begins. The increased blood flow helps improve concentration skills required for reading and writing (2).
  • Hook Ups: This works well for nerves before a test or special event like making a speech. These help calm the mind and improve concentration (2).
  • Listening to classical music such as Mozart may help improve the IQ (2).
  • Using Colored Pens: Using colored pens helps the right brain remember patterns (2).

Finding a chiropractor familiar with Paul E. Dennison, Ph.D. and Gail E. Dennison’s work is recommended.

To find a family wellness chiropractor near you visit


(1) Pathways to Family Wellness, Issue 19; What is Sensory Processing Disorder?, Monika Buerger, D.C.

(2) Brain Gym® Exercises,, Kenneth Beare

Asthma and Chiropractic

With the spring season upon us, I hear many parents comment on the increase in asthma symptoms their children experience. Whether the increased is caused by the abundance of outdoor physical activity, or the new growth of seasonal plants and grasses, asthma sufferers often dread this time of year. Fortunately, chiropractic can help. Recent research demonstrates the beneficial effects that spinal adjustments have on the immune and endocrine system, and chiropractic treatment is a great way to naturally help manage bronchial distress. Several case studies and one trial study have indicated that with regular chiropractic care patients saw an increase in their ability to breathe during physical activity and had less need for inhalers and other asthma medications (2). One study mentioned the participant, “Could run during soccer games” and “almost never used his inhaler.” He also “slept more soundly” and “hardly ever had bouts with mucous clogged nasal passages” (2,3). A second study showed a 34-month-old boy with asthma who had not responded to medical care and had more than 20 emergency hospital visits in a 12-month period received three chiropractic adjustments administered over an 11-day period and the asthma symptoms ceased for more than eight weeks (4). A third case told a similar story of a three-year-old girl who began experiencing asthma symptoms after having a chronic history of colds and flu. She was taken to the emergency room on several occasions and eventually hospitalized over a 3-day period for her asthma. She used medication several times daily which included a nebulizer as well as a third medication for symptom onset. After her fifth chiropractic adjustment her severe asthma ceased and she has been adjusted regularly there after for maintenance with no further episodes (5).

As these cases demonstrate, chiropractic can play a vital role in managing and preventing asthma effectively. Why is chiropractic so successful? According to one trial study, six weeks of direct chiropractic treatment not only reduced salivary cortisol levels over a 14-week trial period, it also “decreased the erratic nature of IgA levels” (1). Both cortisol and IgA (immunoglobulin A) are substances in the body that affect its response to inflammation and fighting off infection. The study attributed these positive results to the body’s improved overall ability to function, which in turn allowed patients to better “ward off potential pathogenic invasion (or the like)…” (1). Because the spine surrounds and protects the nervous system, while the nervous system in turn affects every vital system and organ in one’s body (including the immune system and lung function), chiropractic adjustments are a gentle, yet powerful way of naturally aiding the body in self healing. If you are (or your child is) frustrated by asthma symptoms that prevent you from being as active as you like, make an appointment with one of our family chiropractors at Healing Hands Chiropractic for a consult and treatment.

1. Effect of Chiropractic Treatments on the Endocrine and Immune System in Asthmatic Patients: Proceedings of the 2002 International Conference on Spinal Manipulation, Toronto Ontario, Canada, Oct 2002: 57-8

2. Garde R. Chiropractic Pediatrics. Vol 1 No.3 Dec, 1994. Asthma and Chiropractic.


4. Bachman TR, Lantz CA Proceedings of the National Conference on Chiropractic and Pediatrics (ICA), 1991: 14-22. Management of Pediatric Asthma and Enuresis with Probable Traumatic Etiology.

5. Asthma and Enuresis (Case Report #1374)  Zell, Paul,  ICPA Newsletter, May-June 1998

To Vaccinate or Not To Vaccinate (or Maybe Something in Between?)

By Dr. Denise Ingrando

Before I was pregnant my view of vaccines was quite lackadaisical. As a child, my parents immunized me and I succumbed to the medical theory, because I did not know otherwise. I figured it was par for the course to get immunized, expect to feel feverish and sick for a while and then get over everything and be immune! However, the minute I held my child and watched him develop and grow, my entire view of the world changed.

I questioned everything! Were vaccines really safe and the responses to them “normal”? What about an alternative approach to immunity? How could I protect him? I spent hours upon hours using my research skills acquired in graduate school to dig up any research I could find on the topic; both pro- and anti-vaccine. Personally, I found that the risks of vaccinating outweighed the benefits. As a graduate student at Palmer Chiropractic College in Florida, I attended many lectures regarding the Germ Theory- of the body’s ability to heal itself and that GERMS DON’T KILL; but rather it’s the body’s inability to respond to these germs properly due to nervous system interference that can cause symptoms and illness.

I absolutely believe in the body’s ability to heal itself and feel that injecting a potentially deadly or neurotoxic substance into the body unnecessary. In fact, research performed by a medical doctor at the New York Medical Institute concluded that people under regular chiropractic wellness care have immune systems that are 200-400% stronger than those not under regular chiropractic wellness care(1)!

Think about it- if the nervous system regulates immune system function, and  nervous system interference is removed  by way of the chiropractic adjustment, then the immune system is getting the message from the brain at 100% function and is able to perform optimally. This increase in immune system function is extremely important, especially knowing that the body may bring in the virus through  several lines of defense- the skin, the mucosa of the nasal passages, the acidity in the stomach as well as the beneficial microorganisms that line the intestines, mouth and upper respiratory tract. No matter how the body is exposed to an infection the immune system will be able to take care of the body if it is given the chance to be optimally functioning.

In children, the immune system is not mature until about the age of seven years old (2). This is why natural immunity stemming from the mother’s body passed on to the baby in utero via the placenta is key to immune system function as is any added immunity given through breast milk (2,3). This passive immunity, is wonderful but unfortunately short lived. Active immunity, on the other hand, is long lasting and is acquired through exposure of the various microorganisms we encounter day to day (2,3). Whether or not you develop symptoms of a particular organism depends on your body’s ability to handle what it has been exposed to.

Family Wellness Chiropractors like those at Healing Hands Chiropractic specialize in educating patients on the various lifestyle choices that may cause nervous system interference and work with each individual and family to eliminate those causes by giving advice regarding proper posture, good nutrition and stress management to name just a few.

Deciding to vaccinate is such a personal decision, but whatever your choice may be, why not give you and your family the chance to have your bodies working optimally and fighting off infection more efficiently through chiropractic care?

To learn more about how chiropractic can boost your family’s immune system, as well as additional information on vaccines, alternative solutions and/or immunization schedules please feel free to book an appointment with our doctors. Scheduling an appointment can be done by calling the office at 603-434-3456 or conveniently online.

Healing Hands Chiropractic- A Family Wellness Center also offers massage therapy, reiki therapy, acupuncture and Chinese herbs, yoga & meditation classes and pregnancy & birth classes. All of our practitioners are more than happy to help you and your family in exploring the many options to achieving health and wellness!



(1) (and articles that follow)

Korr IM: “Andrew Taylor Still memorial lecture: Research and Practice a century later.” J Am Osteopathy Assoc 1974 73:362.

Murray DR, Irwin M, Reardon CA, et al. “Sympathetic and immune interactions during dynamic exercise. Mediation via a beta 2 adrenergic-dependent mechanism.” Circulation 1992 86(1): 203

Pero R. “Medical Researcher Excited By CBSRF Project Results.” The Chiropractic Journal, August 1989; 32.

Brennan P, Graham M, Triano J, Hondras M. “Enhanced phagocytic cell respiratory bursts induced by spinal manipulation: Potential Role of Substance P.” J Manip Physiolog Ther 1991; (14)7:399-400.

Selano JL, Hightower BC, Pfleger B, Feeley-Collins K, Grostic JD. “The Effects of Specific Upper Cervical Adjustments on the CD4 Counts of HIV Positive Patients.” The Chiro Research Journal; 3(1); 1994.

Felton DL, Felton SY, Belonged DL, et al. “Noradrenergic sympathetic neural interactions with the immune system: structure and function.” Immunol Rev. 1987 Dec;100:225-60.

Related articles: The Winsor Autopsies; The Story of Masha & Dasha

Birth Your Way

“What do you think of your body?”

It’s a question that elementary school children have been asked recently, in hopes of shedding light on the body image crisis. But it’s also a question that every woman of childbearing age should ask herself – and most do, albeit unconsciously.

Medical anthropologist Robbie Davis-Floyd writes that a woman’s choices regarding her birth often reveal her deepest beliefs about the abilities of her body, and by extension, her beliefs about nature and technology. A woman who believes that nature has made her body powerful and capable will choose a birth with minimal interventions – a labor that begins spontaneously and is allowed to progress without interference. A woman who believes that technology is superior to nature and that medical knowledge is superior to natural (and often unpredictable) body processes will choose a more “controlled” birth, where the labor process is carefully monitored and perhaps managed by outside influences. Even if the type of birth is not consciously chosen in advance – in fact, it rarely is – these same belief systems are often evident in a mother’s choice of care provider (midwife or OB/GYN) as well as the location for her baby’s birth (home, birth center, or hospital).

Of course, many women begin pregnancy unsure of what they believe regarding medical technology and its relationship to nature. The attitude of today’s average expectant mother could be summed up like this: She wants to believe that a natural, low-intervention birth is safe, realistic, and worthwhile. But by the middle of her pregnancy, she has heard, read, and viewed so many birth horror stories, she is no longer confident in her body’s ability to birth without the “safeguards” of modern medicine. She likely still hopes for a normal birth, but has taken on more of a “wait and see” approach to her birth plan.

Several studies indicate that a mother’s level of satisfaction with her baby’s birth is only loosely related to the choices that were made, but very closely related to the mother knowing she played an active role in making those decisions. A mother who feels pressured to submit to an intervention she would prefer to avoid (or even a mother who feels she was denied an intervention she wanted) is often left feeling very dissatisfied with her birth experience.

Regardless of the decisions she makes, every mother deserves to give birth with confidence in her choices. Just as the physical work of pregnancy reaches its climax with labor and birth, much of the intellectual and emotional work of pregnancy is to be informed and stay confident. Pregnancy and childbirth classes are an excellent way to get information. The face-to-face interaction with childbirth professionals as well as with other parents gives both the mother and her birth partner the chance to ask questions and explore their beliefs about a natural pregnancy and birth. Most importantly, birth classes encourage dialogue between the mother and her birth partner. (This is often a more effective source of communication than handing your husband or boyfriend a copy of the latest pregnancy book and then wondering if he’ll actually read it.)

Prenatal yoga classes offer pregnant women another opportunity to increase confidence in their birth choices, no matter what they are. Yoga’s emphasis on “tuning in” to the self helps a woman build confidence in her intuition. Pregnancy hormone jokes aside, Woman’s Intuition is not cutesy sitcom fodder but in fact a powerful and valuable player during pregnancy and birth. For many women of childbearing age, the value of intuition has gone the way of body confidence: we lost it in early adolescence. Pregnancy is an opportunity to reconnect with both.

Not sure what you want for your birth? Be honest with yourself. Do research. But most importantly, practice tuning in to your deepest thoughts and feelings. With time, you will begin to discover the choices that are best for you and your baby.

Healing Hands Chiropractic offers a number of prenatal care services to help you have the healthiest pregnancy and birth. In addition to pregnancy and childbirth workshops, we offer prenatal yoga, prenatal chiropractic care (including the Webster Technique), prenatal massage, reiki, and acupuncture.

Chiropractic Care for Sports-Related Injuries in Children

Now that school is back in session- sports have begun. In the last couple of weeks I have had several children ranging in age from 3-16 years old with some subjective complaint related to an injury sustained from such sports as  tee ball, football, tumbling, gymnastics, basketball and hockey.

I recently read a very informative article by Claudia Arnig, D.C. called Sports-Related Injuries in Children: What Parents Need to Know. In this article Dr. Arnig gave some very interesting numbers that I believe all parents should know. It is estimated that 3.5 million children under the age of 14 receive some form of medical treatment for sports injuries each year.  Also, the Institute for Preventative Sports Medicine estimates that each year close to 212 million school days are missed by students who have sustained a musculoskeletal injury vastly attributed to sports-related incidents.

The U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that nearly 300, 000 children and adolescents suffer from sports-related concussions each year. Concussion symptoms range from memory loss, chronic headaches, difficulty with concentrations to depression. These symptoms can manifest for months, even years following a severe concussion. Some parents even reported abrupt personality changes following a serious sports-related head injury.

Repetitive stress injuries to children’s developing spine and extremities can also develop in children who play sports that require the child to move one arm or leg repetitively over long periods of time like baseball, golf, and tennis for example. If their sport leans toward asymmetrical movements, children should be taught how to properly warm up and cool down through symmetrical activities to balance the body and minimize repetitive strain injuries.

Childen should also be taught the concept of pain and its importance as a warning signal from the body that something is wrong and needs to be checked out. Taking pain medication or OTC pain relievers will simply mask the problem and act as a band aid instead of getting to the root cause of the problem.

Children benefit greatly from regular spinal and extremity check-ups with their chiropractor. Rather than waiting for an injury to occur, chiropractic care can help children practice practical prevention strategies and develop better overall stability.

At Healing Hands Chiropractic we have also found that not only do our child patients benefit greatly from regular chiropractic care; but have found our Kids’ Yoga Classes to be incredibly beneficial in introducing body awareness and core stability.

ref: Dynamic Chiropractic, August 26, 2009

Treating Migraine Headaches with Chinese Medicine

By: Alyson Adams, L.Ac., Dipl. O.M.

There are over 26 million Americans who suffer from chronic migraines. Often, these headaches can be debilitating and can limit people from maintaining activities in their daily schedules. Conventional medicine is often inconclusive as to locating the cause of migraine and is limited in its treatment. Pharmaceutical medicine can sometimes alleviate pain, but it often causes poor side effects and the medication is only masking symptoms temporarily.   

Chinese medicine and acupuncture have shown to be very effective at treating migraine headaches, when no other type of treatment offers any relief. In 2006 the largest study to date looking at acupuncture for the treatment of migraines was published in Lancet Neurology. This study examined nearly 1,000 patients over a 6 week period. Researchers found that 47 percent of people who received acupuncture had a reduction in migraine days by 50 percent. Acupuncture and Chinese herbs can be used when a migraine is in an acute phase, or as a preventative medicine.

In my experience, I have seen many different types of triggers and patterns for migraines. Because each patient is unique, I am able to develop a personalized treatment plan for each person to address their particular concerns. Common triggers include hormonal patterns, stress, anxiety and food sensitivities. In Chinese medicine terms, I commonly see what is called Liver Qi stagnation. This is when stress or a blockage in the Qi flow in the body causes the energy to stagnate, and creates an upward counter-flow of qi to the head. 

With a regular acupuncture treatment plan, you can expect both a decrease in the amount of headaches and a decrease in severity. Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine can be used safely and effectively to rebalance the flow of energy in the body and prevent reoccurring migraines. The amount of treatments you will need to resolve your migraine headaches will be dependent on how long you have been suffering from them, and how your body responds to the medicine.

Alyson is accepting new patients at Healing Hands Chiropractic at Landmark Crossing, 25 Nashua Rd., Suite F2, Londonderry, NH 03053 on Thursdays 2-7PM. You may schedule an appointment with her by calling 603-434-3456 or online at

Pregnant? Live in New Hampshire?


 Healing Hands Chiropractic located in the Manchester|Nashua, NH Region, offers a comprehensive prenatal program with pregnancy chiropractic care, prenatal yoga, pregnancy & birth classes and massage. 
There is a very specific chiropractic technique that chiropractors use to adjust pregnant patients. The International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA) certifies these chiropractors in this technique after successful completion of course work and practical examination. This technique is called the Webster Technique.
Dr. Jessica L. Caruso, director at Healing Hands Chiropractic is certified in the Webster Technique. Currently Healing Hands Chiropractic is offering a free prenatal consultation. This consultation can be made by visiting and clicking the ‘Book Now’ icon. Potential patients may choose to see Dr. Caruso at her Londonderry, NH or Bedford, NH location.
Also, available at Healing Hands Chiropractic’s Londonderry, NH location conveniently located just seconds off route 93 in Landmark Crossing is Prenatal Yoga Classes as well Pregnancy & Childbirth Classes for expectant mothers and their birth partners. 
Empowered Birth classes at Healing Hands Chiropractic place labor and birth in the wider context of pregnancy and parenting. Our classes are not just about the day you have your baby. We also discuss proper nutrition for a healthy pregnancy, common challenges of each trimester, and what to expect during the postpartum period. While our classes are open to women at all stages of pregnancy, we suggest that you take class around the midway point (20-30 weeks). 
We offer one of the only classes in the greater Manchester and Nashua areas that is not affiliated with a specific hospital. Our independence allows us to work for you, the parent, rather than an institution. While some hospital-sponsored classes may cost a bit less, we believe that parents benefit significantly from the independent nature of our classes.

Discount Massage Days at Wellness Center in Londonderry, NH

The body is like a symphony. All parts must be in complete harmony with each other in order for a masterpiece to occur. It’s no wonder that we only achieve ideal health when our body, mind, and spirit find perfect peace and harmony with one another.

Massage therapy has risen above the term “alternative therapy”. Current day, it’s a vital part of the health care practices of many people living in today’s stress-heavy world.

Massage is one of the oldest, simplest forms of therapy and is a system of stroking, pressing and kneading different areas of the body to relieve pain, relax, stimulate, and tone the body. Massage does much more than create a pleasant sensation on the skin, it also works on the soft tissues(the muscles, tendons, and ligaments) to improve muscle tone. Although it largely affects those muscles just under the skin, its benefits may also reach the deeper layers of muscle and possibly even the organs themselves. Massage also stimulates blood circulation and assists the lymphatic system (which runs parallel to the circulatory system), improving the elimination of waste throughout the body.

Although a single massage will be enjoyable, the effects of massage are cumulative and a course of massage treatments will bring the most benefits. Regular massage can have the effect of strengthening and toning the entire body mechanism, and so help to prevent unnecessary strains and injuries that might otherwise occur due to excess tension and any resulting structural weaknesses. Massage can stimulate or calm the nervous system-depending upon what is required by the individual-and thus help reduce fatigue, leaving the receiver with a feeling of replenished energy. At its best, massage has the potential to restore the individual physically, mentally and spiritually.

At Healing Hands we still believe you need to take care of yourself and deserve to be pampered even during these tough times. Every 2nd Tuesday of the month from 1-8pm at Healing Hands Chiropractic in Londonderry, NH[a suburb of Manchester, NH] we are offering 1 hour long massages for those suffering economic hardship. Payment is based on a sliding fee scale of $20-$50 based on the honor system…NO Questions Asked. Please let us help you take care of yourself. Call 603-434-3456 and asked to be booked for the Economic Hardship Day. Spots fill up fast so call today.

Is the Economy Taking its Toll on Your Health?

Posted by: Dr. Jessica L. Caruso

In times of economic struggle, why is it that our health care is the first thing we put on the back burner? Many of us in this society grew up thinking that preventative and maintenance care was frivolous, unnecessary…when things get really bad we can have it removed or take a pill for it. This type of thinking is exactly why our “healthcare” system is in the state it’s in.  Think about the cost of all those tests to determine which pill to prescribe, or which organ to remove!!! And then how much does surgery cost? How much does a hospital stay cost? How much time out of work do you need for recovery? Who is going to watch the kids during this time? Does your husband or wife need to take time off work too? And so the downward spiral begins…

Maybe it’s these ideas of “sickcare ” (not healthcare) that are the reason our health insurance premiums are through the roof?! Too many people in our country cannot even afford health insurance. It’s time for change: It’s time  we all take responsibility for our health and listen to the signals our bodies are sending us, and not mask these signals with over-the-counter medications, prescription pain killers, or statins. Instead, let us all focus on prevention-true health care — not symptomatic care. It truly is a more cost effective approach to your health. And it may even lower the costs of health insurance…hmmm…wouldn’t that be something.  Don’t let current economic issues create more health issues for you in the future. The decisions we make today about our health determine our health tomorrow.

“It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.”
Mahatma Gandhi

Please visit to learn about how we can help you maintain your health naturally. In light of the economic struggles we are all facing, Healing Hands Chiropractic is offering web-only discounts on all our services. Please visit our website today and print your coupon right at home. Healing Hands is there for you, for your health and for your future.