Healing Hands Closing

As most of you are aware – it has been over 8 years now since I was diagnosed and started treatment for Chronic Lyme Disease. Unfortunately, treatment has been a long, arduous, and expensive battle for me and my family.

I have found as each year passes- my health is more negatively impacted by the long, cold winters here in New England.

For the past couple of years, my husband Brian and I have tried to find another doctor to come on board to help. We came close. But, the doctor we had found ( who we felt was a perfect fit)  had decided it was best to not move forward with a move to New Hampshire once the shutdown in March 2020 happened.

With my mother passing a couple of months back,  Brian and I decided it was time for a drastic change for our family. We are moving to South Carolina in the new year. Thursday, January 13, 2022, will be my last shift at Healing Hands Chiropractic.

I am working on putting together a list of other practitioners in the area for you. I will send that in another email soon.

It has been an honor to serve the Greater Manchester community for the past 17 years. I am beyond grateful to have had the opportunity to treat each and every one of you.

This has not been an easy decision by any means. But, this illness has brought me to my knees both physically and figuratively. And, this move is my family’s Hail Mary ( for all you Doug Flutie fans).

One Love,

Dr. Jess (and Brian & Jackson Caruso)

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